if returnframe = "timeline" or returnframe = "Timeviewer" then
puppetsprite 3, true
set the castnum of sprite 3 to 17
set gGrayFind = 1
set gGrayFind = 0
end if
if returnframe = "aa" or returnframe = "ta" or returnframe = "tra" or returnframe = "pa" or returnframe = "ai" or returnframe = "ti" or returnframe = "tri" or returnframe = "pi" or returnframe = "Timeviewer" then
set gGrayPrint = 0
puppetsprite 4, true
set the castnum of sprite 4 to 20
set gGrayPrint = 1
end if
end Init
-- ButtonHandler
on ButtonHandler iSprite, iCastNum
global gButtonClicked
set gButtonClicked = 0
repeat while ( rollover (iSprite) )
if the mouseDown then
set tmpFlag = 1
set the castnum of sprite iSprite to iCastNum + 2
repeat while the mouseDown
if rollover (iSprite) then
--do nothing
set tmpFlag = 0
exit repeat -- checks to see if mouse is off the coordinates